SmartCare EHR User Guide

Care Plan

The Care Plan page displays all tabs and fields from a variety of assessment and allows users to enter and save the assessment for individual clients.

 To Open an initial Care Plan, hover over the Care Plan banner, then click on the Initial/Annual Care Plan sub banner.




Another way to open any type of Care Plan is through the Create Documents drop down







Things You Can Do on the Care Plan:

Completing a Care Plan

General Tab

When the Care Plan first opens, it opens to the general tab (as seen above). The fields on this tab are populated with information from the most recently signed Care Plan or MHA.


The names to be utilized field in the upper right hand corner displays the name that the application will use for the client through out the Care Plan.

Needs Tab

The needs tab displays all the needs for the client. These needs can either created by the user in the Care Plan or are pulled from the most recently signed MHA.




The description field is editable.


Action taken is set to Defer by default. To add a goal to the specific description, select 'Address on Care Plan' to associate a goal.  When 'Address on Care Plan' is selected the 'Add goal' hyper link will become active. Clicking on this link will take you to the Goals/Objectives tab.

Goals/Objectives Tab

On the Goals/Objectives tab, you fill out information about each goal. Some fields allow free text, while text boxes with an edit hyperlink associated with them only allow users to select responses from a pre-picked list. To add an Objective to the goal click the add objective hyperlink. To delete the goal, click on the 'x' above the goal label on the left hand side of the screen.




Some fields allow free text, while text boxes with an edit hyperlink associated with them only allow users to select responses from a pre-picked list. The prescribed services field will be filled out in the prescribed services tab. If you have multiple objectives for a goal and you would like to renumber them, the 'Renumber Objective' hyperlink will be active.



Prescribed Services Tab

The information filled out on this tab will be displayed their respective objectives. To associate a service with an objective click on the 'Edit/View Objectives' hyperlink and add the objectives that you wish to associate with the service.



Overall Progress Tab

The ‘Overall Progress’ tab will allow the author to provide a progress update on items other than specific goals. This text box will always pull in the text from the most recently signed Care plan/Review/Addendum.

Diagnosis Tab

Data on this screen is pulled in from most recent signed diagnosis document.  This tab will be editable.  Upon signature a new Diagnosis document will be created and will be available via the Diagnosis banner for the member.

Supports/Team Treatments Tab

The treatment team is populated with the primary assigned worker for each team that the member is enrolled in.

Each time a worker ‘Edits’ a care plan that they are not the author (or makes themselves the author) they will be added to the treatment team list.  If the staff has more than 1 team that matches the member's list of teams. The user will get a pop up which allows them to select the appropriate team.  Staff/Teams can also be added manually by clicking the ‘Add’ button.  Clicking the ‘Add’ button will open the ‘Treatment Team’ pop up which allows a user to add staff to the list.

